KneePost Binary Posting Script

Download current version 1.0b7

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Detailed explanation

I felt that the newsreading programs for MacOS 9 lacked in terms of ease for posting and reposting binaries. Most news posting programs are relatively new and only work on OSX, which I don't have. I don't post much, but trying to post the little that I do just bugged me. And thus was born KneePost. I discovered sQuidOmatic much later, but it is difficult to find, way too powerful for me, and I don't post that much.

I'm not an applescript programmer, so I'm not expecting to make this into the latest and greatest thing. And since MacOS 9 and Classic are unfortunately becoming outdated every day... :-( <sigh!> I just want to keep it simple and do its job really well. The program has grown beyond my wildest dreams!! I am open to ideas which would make it nicer, easier, fix bugs, etc. Some help with documentation and the help menus would be MUCH appreciated!

The simplicity is derived from the fact that most of the posting preferences can be set and saved under different "personalities" in Thoth. I only add to those or make a few settings a bit more convenient. The program is very small.


Known Limitations/Problems

Fine Print

I, the author of the KneePost Binary Posting Script, do not warranty, guarantee, or any other antee this program, including golf tees and auntie Vimla. It is provided AS IS. I take no responsibility for hardware or software failures, lightning strikes, world wars, flame wars or any damage or consequence from using KneePost or even having it sit quietly unused on your computer. I am not responsible for the content of the binaries you post, their legality, their length, substance or lack there of. I would like to take responsibility in having positively changed the course of the history of the world or even one individual. Yeah, like that's going to happen!

KneePost may only be downloaded from Contact me for redistribution.

Version History

1.0b1 (August 1, 2003) initial release to friends and family
1.0b2 (August 7, 2003)
1.0b3 (August 9, 2003) Not-so-public Public beta release
1.0b4 (August 20, 2003)
1.0b5 - (October 5, 2003)
1.0b6 -
1.0b7 - (April 10, 2004)